
Jadescape Price

Jadescape condo price list base on room size, unit type and stack.

Price List by Unit Types

No. of RoomsUnit TypeSqmSqftNo. of UnitsStackPrice Min. Price Max.
1 BedroomA4952718904, 05, 13, 14, 15, 44, 57, 58, 598985711025000
1 BedroomA(P)49527613, 14, 15, 57, 58, 59902653916633
1 Bedroom + StudyASa495274206, 38916939986735
2 BedroomB1606468819, 26, 27, 3411771431208367
2 BedroomB1(P)60646227, 34SOLDSOLD
2 Bedroom DeluxeB27176425901, 09, 10, 18, 22, 23, 30, 31, 35, 41, 54, 6212805101452041
2 Bedroom DeluxeB2(P)717641001, 09, 10, 18, 22, 23, 30, 31, 54, 6212754081306224
2 Bedroom PremiumB3727754302, 03SOLDSOLD
2 Bedroom PremiumB3(P)7277512SOLDSOLD
3 BedroomC1a849044216, 56SOLDSOLD
3 BedroomC1a(P)84904216, 56SOLDSOLD
3 BedroomC1b849044107, 60SOLDSOLD
3 BedroomC1b(P)84904160SOLDSOLD
3 Bedroom DeluxeC2a9410124811, 12, 20, 21, 28, 2917496941749694
3 Bedroom DeluxeC2a(P)941012511, 12, 21, 28, 29SOLDSOLD
3 Bedroom DeluxeC2b9810558411, 12, 20, 21, 28, 2918156121915714
3 Bedroom PremiumC3a1071152206118687762068378
3 Bedroom PremiumC3a(P)107115216118750001875000
3 Bedroom PremiumC3b1061141205519052042023980
3 Bedroom PremiumC3b(P)1061141155SOLDSOLD
4 BedroomD1117125910908, 24, 33, 36, 4220917352328163
4 BedroomD1(P)1171259508, 24, 33, 36, 4220990822116633
4 Bedroom DeluxeD213214216617, 25, 3224500002625000
4 Bedroom DeluxeD2(P)1321421132SOLDSOLD
4 Bedroom SuiteDP15316477637, 39, 43, 4526865312952153
4 Bedroom SuiteDP(P)1531647437, 39, 43, 4526959182695918
5 Bedroom SuiteEP19520993740, 4631906123236531
5 Bedroom SuiteEP(P)1952099240, 4632020413202041
PenthousePH3934230237, 43SOLDSOLD
Disclaimer: All prices displayed here are for reference purposes. Prices are subject to change from time to time without prior notice. This webpage cannot be held responsible for any pricing inaccuracies, omissions and/or dispute.

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Jadescape Information




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